Cynthia Portaro


Cynthia’s journey is a captivating and mesmerizing true story. In a blink of an eye, life changed drastically and traumatically for her and her family. The loss of her son, daughter, and her husband, all within a four-year period, was overwhelming, but she found a way to peace, turning the grief into glory.

Cynthia took her pain to the streets—ministering to an enormous portion of our population who suffer in silence with their own tragedies—grieving parents, widows, and friends who have lost children and family tragically from untimely deaths. Asking questions that should be asked of the grieving…

“What HAUNTS You?”

“Do You Bury Life from Your Past?”

“Are you stuck in Grief?”

“Do you have recurring tormenting thoughts?”

“Do you Isolate Yourself?”

“Are You Lonely?”

“Do you eat to comfort your feelings?”

“Do you feel guilty when you laugh?”

“Do you hide sexual or spousal abuse?”

“Are you addicted to substances?”

Society says, “Time to move on!” Never realizing that pain and grief take a lot of work—a lot of reliving—they can also become our greatest healers and our teachers.

Cynthia was nominated out of 2,500 stories submitted for the “2015 Heroine of Las Vegas”. She’s been interviewed and featured in Las Vegas Tonight Show, TBN, Market Watch, and various news shows.

Most recently featured on the cover of My Vegas Magazine of 2020 as, “Top 100 Influential Women of Las Vegas”. Sharing Godly wisdom with lives shattered by the most unthinkable trauma is her passion.

Her motto has been to serve, to inspire people and offer hope in the most difficult “hurting seasons.” Her goal is for those who have been or going through tragedy, to understand with Christ we will build life again, help mend their broken hearts, and say…

You can follow her blog—A Time to Heal—on her Facebook page. Cynthia is also the founder of the Mourning Hope of Las Vegas.

Cynthia Portaro,

Minister, Author, Keynote Speaker

“Because of you, I did not give up … I, too, can …
walk through what I will never get over!”

“Beyond The Unthinkable:

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